
时间:2015年12月10日 15:27   访问量:

报告题目:Genericity in PAR Platform




报告摘要:The main purpose of genericity in high lever programming language is to increase efficiency of software development and the safety and reusability of software. Genericity is the useful tool to implement generative software development and MDA. However, few modelling language has genericity mechanism. The mechanisms in typical programming language, say C++, Java, etc., is not sufficiently and is not ease to use. For example, in C++ and Java only type can be as generic parameter; in Ada although type and subprogram can be parameter but there is no constrain mechanism on the parameters that reduces the safety of the corresponding software. But the situation in PAR platform is quite different. PAR platform supports Model Driven Software Engineering (MDE) and consists of algorithm modelling language Radl, abstract program modelling language Apla, a set of rules for the model transformation and a set of automatic transformation tools from Radl algorithm model to Apla program model, then to the programs of popular programming languages, say C++, Java, etc.. One of the distinct features of the PAR platform is the agile genericity mechanisms. In PAR not only a value and a data type can be generic parameter, but an action (including operator, method, function and procedure, etc.) and ADT can be as generic parameter also. We present new concepts and their implementation of type region, action region and ADT region, which can increase the safety of generic software obviously. The paper will pay special attention to describe the application of the generic ADT parameter in general graph path algorithm.


薛锦云南京大学数学系毕业, 85年-88年在美国康奈尔大学进修访问,95年-96年在美国Santa Clara大学做客座研究员,于2000年和2009年分别被中科院软件所和武汉大学评聘为博士生导师。现任国家网络化支撑软件国际科技合作基地和江西省高能计算重点实验室主任。他是国家级有突出贡献中青年专家,享受国务院特殊贡献津贴专家,江西省“赣鄱英才555工程”领军人才,全国理论计算机科学专委会副主任,中国服务贸易协会专家委员会副理事长。薛锦云还是国家杰出青年基金,国家创新团队,国家重点实验室和国家自然科学基金重点项目会评专家和会评组负责人。

他先后主持承担国家“863”计划、国家军用共性软件、国家重大基础研究(973计划)前期研究专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目和国际合作项目16项, 其中国家自然科学基金面上项目取得九报九中的佳绩。承担的国家自然科学基金重大(点)国际合作研究项目实现了江西省国家自然科学基金重大重点项目零的突破。研制成功支持软件形式化和自动化开发的PAR方法和PAR平台,其前期研究成果曾获江西省科技进步一等奖; 后期研究成果被科技部项目验收专家组评定为总体上“具有国际先进水平”,若干关键技术“具有国际领先水平”。

地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞瑜路1037号,华中科技大学南一楼西南501室 邮编:430074 电话:027-87556601
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