Temporal Consistency Maintenance Upon Partitioned Multiprocessor Platforms-现代数据工程与实时计算实验室

Temporal Consistency Maintenance Upon Partitioned Multiprocessor Platforms


Jianjun Li, Jian-jia Chen, Ming Xiong, Guohui Li, Wei wei




Maintaining timeliness and data freshness for real-time data objects has long been recognized as an important problem in real-time database research. Despite years of active research, most of the past work focuses on uniprocessor systems. In this paper, we study the workload-aware temporal consistency maintenance problem upon multiprocessor platforms. We consider the problem of how to partition a set of update transactions to m 2 processors to maintain the temporal consistency of real-time data objects under both earliest deadline first (EDF) and deadline monotonic (DM) scheduling in each processor, while minimizing the total workload on m processors. Firstly, we only consider the feasibility aspect of the problem by proposing two polynomial time partitioning schemes, Temporal Consistency Partitioning under EDF (TCPEDF) and Temporal Consistency Partitioning under DM (TCPDM), and formally showing that the resource augmentation bounds of both TCPEDF and TCPDM are (3 ???? 1 m). Secondly, we address the partition problem globally by proposing a polynomial time heuristic, Density factor Balancing Fit (DBF), where density factor balancing plays a major role in producing workload-efficient partitionings. Finally, we evaluate the feasibility and workload performances of DBF versus other heuristics with comparable quality experimentally.


Real-Time Database; Temporal Consistency; Update Transaction; Multiprocessor; Partitioning Scheduling


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