

Vague continuous K-nearest neighbor queries over moving objects with uncertain velocity in road networks


Ping Fan, Guohui Li, Ling Yuan, Yanhong Li




Recent research has focused on Continuous K Nearest Neighbor (CKNN) queries in road networks, where the queries and the data objects are moving. Most existing approaches assume the fixed velocity of moving objects. The release of fixed moving velocity makes the query process slowly due to the significant repetitive query cost. In this paper, we study CKNN queries over moving objects with uncertain velocity in road networks. A Distance Interval Model (DIM) is designed to calculate the minimal and maximal road network distances between moving objects and query point. Furthermore, we propose a novel Possibility-based Vague KNN (PVKNN) algorithm to process the query efficiently, which determines the CKNN query results with possibility within each division time subinterval of given time interval by applying the vague set theory. In the PVKNN algorithm, the query efficiency can be improved significantly with the pruning, distilling and possibility-ranking phases. With these phases, the objects candidates are scaled down and the given time interval is divided into subintervals to reduce the repetitive query cost. In addition, an index structure TPRuv-Tree is designed to efficiently index moving objects with uncertain velocity in road network by involving edge connection and moving objects information. Experiments with simulation and comparison show that significant improvement in the performance of efficiency can be achieved with our proposed algorithms.


Continuous K Nearest Neighbor queries; Uncertain velocity; Road network; Distance interval; Possibility



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